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Digital exhibitions

3D virtual tour of the "Bulgarian Archaeology 2023" exhibition

3D virtual tour of the "Trebenishte, 105 years since the discovery of the necropolis" exhibition

Baley Necropolis. Virtual Exhibition

3D virtual tour The panoply of the Thracian warriors Temporary exhibition

3D virtual tour 130 years National Archaeological Museum Тemporary exhibition

15th National Archaeological exhibition „Bulgarian Archeology 2021“

3D virtual tour „Stream through time“ exhibition

14th National Archaeological exhibition „Bulgarian Archeology 2020“

3D virtual tour of the 13th National Archaeological exhibition „Bulgarian Archeology 2019“

Poster exhibition “The mirror of time: female beauty through the ages”

Българо-сръбска постерна изложба „София и Белград. Археологически бисери“

Виртуална разходка на изложбата „100 години Требенище“

Тринадесета Национална археологическа изложба „Българска археология 2019“

Златна мина Ада тепе

Преславските съкровища

Велики Преслав

Работилницата на майстора

Бронзова епоха

12th National Archaeological exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2018”

11th National Archaeological exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2017”

10th National Archaeological exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2016”

Видео за изложбите Златното съкровище от Надсентмиклош и Езическа България. Власт и общество

Poster exhibition titled “Václav Dobruský – the first director of the National Archaeological Museum”

The Bulgarian Archaeology - Past and Present

9th National Archaeological exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2015”

8th National Archaeological exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2014”

Tsar Samuil Video

Poster exhibition "Bulgarian Archaeology - Past and Present" for the 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Archaeologists in Istanbul

„Invincible in Power and Unsurpassable in Bravery“ The Bulgarian Tsar Samuel († 1014)

Seventh National archaeological exhibition Bulgarian Archaeology 2013

30 years Department of Thracian archaeology at NAIM-BAS