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About Numismatics, Sphragistics & Epigraphy

Numismatics, Sphragistics and Epigraphy magazine is annual publication of the National Archaeological Institute with Museum – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and publishes papers on coins, hoards, stamp seals, coin-like finds and epigraphic monuments currently kept in public and private collections (in Bulgaria and abroad) or found during archaeological excavations in Bulgaria. The magazine publishes also reviews, thematic and problematic papers on Late Roman, Early Byzantine and Mediaeval numismatics and Sphragistics, epigraphy and related problems in archaeology and written sources.

The publishing of the annual started in 2003 with a resolution of the Academic Board of IAM and the publication was named Numismatics and Epigraphy. The idea was to create the first periodical academic magazine of Bulgarian numismatists and epigraphists to act as a tribune for their research and achievements. The goal was to have a good quality polygraphic edition under the patronage and with the financial support of IAM. The main objective of the magazine is to promote Bulgarian numismatics, sphragistics and epigraphy. The creation of the annual Numismatics and Epigraphy filled a gap in the Bulgarian academic polygraphy, which existed for decades and was unsuccessfully filled episodically by various not so high quality public and private editions.

Issue 1’2003 of the magazine was printed in 2004 under the name Numismatics and Epigraphy. With a new resolution of the Academic Board of IAM, the annual was renamed as Numismatics, Sphragistics and Epigraphy. Under this new name but keeping the original profile, the magazine is published since issue 1’2004.