Exhibit of September 2022: Ceramic altar, Tell Ginova mogila, village of Chelopech, Sofia Province
Late Neolithic, second half of 6th millennium BC
H 8 cm
The ceramic altar is triangular, with a triangular reservoir and legs at each corner. Its outer surface is decorated with incised lines forming circles and square and triangular fields of round impressions filled with white paste.
The so-called altars are among the characteristic objects of the Neolithic period in today’s Bulgarian lands. However, their function is still debated. Various suggestion have been proposed: that they were used as lamps (with a burning substance placed in the reservoir), as censers of aromatic substances, as models of real large-scale altars or ritual models of the womb of the Mother Goddess, etc. Although enigmatic, they clearly played a significant role in the lives and beliefs of prehistoric people.
The altar was discovered in 1947 during archaeological excavations of the Ginova Tell near the village of Chelopech, led by N. Petkov.
Николов 2006: В. Николов. Култура и изкуство на праисторическа Тракия. Пловдив, 2006.
Николов 2007: В. Николов. Неолитни култови масички. София, 2007.
Петков 1948: Н. Петков. Селищната Гинова могила до Челопеч. – Годишник на Народния археологически музей Пловдив, І, София, 1948, 159-171.