NAIM - BAS announces competition for the academic position "Senior Assistant Professor"
The National Institute of Archaeology with Museum - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences announces a competition for an academic position "Senior Assistant Professor" in the field 2.2. History and Archaeology (speciality Archaeology), profile "Geospatial and geostatistical analyses in the Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology of the Eastern Balkans (late 3rd - 14th century)" for the needs of the Department of Interdisciplinary Research and Archaeological Map of Bulgaria.
Deadline for submission: 2 months from the publication in the State Gazette, issue 66 / 06.08.2024.
Documents. NAIM-BAS, Sofia, 2 Saborna Str., tel. 02/988 24 06
Candidates for participation in the competitions for the academic post of Senior Assistant Professor shall submit an application for admission, accompanied by the documents referred to in Article 19 of the Law on Academic Admission, as follows:
- CV (Europass);
- Diploma for the degree of Doctor of Education and Science;
- Medical certificate;
- Criminal record;
- Certificate of professional experience, if any;
- List of publications;
- Reference for fulfilment of the minimum national requirements under Article 2b(2) and (3) and Article 2b(5), respectively, accompanied by the necessary evidence specified in the Law of 05.05.2018 on Archaeological Research and Development, in the Regulations for its implementation and in the Regulations on the conditions and procedure for the acquisition of scientific degrees and for the occupation of academic positions at the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.